The spiritual life has been described as the “interiorization of the outward” ( khalwa )and the “exteriorization of the inward” ( jalwa )’.Education is an aspect of the latter process; the very etymology of the word (e-ducare, of lead out”) is an indication of this. As a “leading-out”, education is a rendering explicit of the immanent Intellect ( Intellectus or Nous ),the seat of which, symbolically speaking, is the heart. As Frithjof Schuon has said more than once: “The Intellect can know everything that is knowable”. This is because “heart-knowledge” (gnosis) is innate, and thus already fully present within us, in a state of virtuality. This virtuality2 has to be realized, and this realization is education. This corresponds to the Platonic doctrine of “recollection” ( anamnesis ),which in the last analysis is the “remembrance of God” ( memoria Dei ).“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” Man is constituted by the ternary: Spirit, soul and body ( Spiritus, anima, corpus)...
It is easy to build a nation it is far more difficult to shape a society and this is what Im doing