The Jat Sabha Chandigarh and Federation of Jat Institutions organised the third International Jat Intellectual Meet at Jat Bhawan in Sector 27.Punjab Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal inaugurated the meet which was attended by promonent personalities and people from all walks of life. Speaking on the role of Jats in Nation building Manpreet Badal, said that the nation was reeling under poverty, illiteracy, starvation, opportunity, corruption and mismanagement. "Enemy was within us which was to be traced. We have to fight against the social evils to build a prosperous nation of martyrs' dreams. To fight against such evils we have to develop moral and ethical values, patience tolerance and self confidence," said Mr Manpreet Badal. Badal further said "these are the basic ingredients for building a healthy society and make history. Ignorance, but not the finance, is the root cause of such social evils. Spread of knowledge in the society can solve these social evil...
It is easy to build a nation it is far more difficult to shape a society and this is what Im doing