Dear Friends, The blessed month of Ramadan has started - may Allah bestow His mercy and blessings on you and your families. Month of Ramzan is known for charity, the third pillar of Islam and Muslims have spiritual obligations to pay their Zakat, Sadaqah, Fidya or Kafarah this month. Other charities are almost a person's will but Zakat is necessary for the people's own assets and properties. Quran has designated eight categories of reason which are zakatable. freeing captives [or slaves] is one of those (see Quran-9:60). Being a member of community I have seen people donating their Zakat for many purposes except freeing captives or slaves just because many of them believe that slavery doesn't exist on this planet which is factually wrong, the slavery has changed its form but it still is live and intense more than ever.... In 2006, I had established an organization, which is working to rescue and rehabilitate trafficked girls and helping communities to lift themsel...
It is easy to build a nation it is far more difficult to shape a society and this is what Im doing