The ‘paro’ or ‘molki’ themselves are the words which not only make realize the strangeness and the state of being alien but also decide the social status. Where the familial identities of the local women and the molki women are distinguished, there the society defines some special restrictions into which their social condition struggles for the survival. And on one hand this heterogeneous identity separates the molki women from the familial and individual identities, on the other it does not matter how pitiable the condition of the local women is, but in reality their familiar condition can not be challenged and they are availing more rights than as compared to molki women, in every aspect. If we see in the perspective of social conditions, when (if,) any family provides the rights and the recognition to their molki women, even then the society denies and does not recognize her familiar condition. Actually, the cultural societal view declares this whole process odious. In his controver...
It is easy to build a nation it is far more difficult to shape a society and this is what Im doing