Within 24 hours of teenager Saraswati Biswakarma being brought back to her home after being rescued in from New Delhi from her exploiters, other case highlighting the tragic story of a minor girl from Lower Bardang, West Pandam being ‘sold’ in Haryana has come to light.
A complaint was lodged by the victim’s father, Chandra Bahadur Bhujel at Singtam police station today claming that his 15 years old daughter, Durgi had been allegedly sold off by one Anita Biswakarma to a person at Jarjar, Haryana.
The accused lady is from Temi,
According to the victim’s father, Biswarkarma had taken Durgi to work in
Bhujel has alleged in his complaint that Biswakarma had handed over Durgi to her husband Rajendra Jaat at
Somehow the minor girl managed to call a villager at Bardand informing about her plight.
The father then lodged a complaint with the Singtam police.
At the moment, the whereabouts of Durgi and what conditions she is in is unknown.
Following the complaint, Singtam police arrested Biswakarma and have started its investigations.
A case under section 5(c) of Immoral Trafficking (Prevention) Act 1956 has been registered against the accused lady.
Meanwhile, according to reports, the accused lady had also allegedly tried to sell 18 year old Rimseema Lohar from Pamfok, Namthang constituency in
Biswakarma had taken the girl to
It is informed that Biswakarma had taken the girl directly to Jharjar and tried to sell her for Rs. 50,000.
However, Rimseema managed to alert her family members back in Pamfok about Biswakarma’s intentions.
The family members rushed to Haryana and with the help of Jharjar police, I was able to return back home safely, said Rimseema.