In yet another suspected case of honour killing, a man shot dead his daughter and her lover on Thursday at Chandpurana village in this Punjab district, police said. According to the police, the deceased were identified as Lovepreet Kaur, 17, and Harjinder Singh, 22. “According to the preliminary investigation
has been revealed that Lovepreet and Harjinder were seeing each other for the last many months. At around 1 am Thursday, Harjinder went to Lovepreet's house to meet her,” Partap Singh, a police officer, told IANS.
“Lovepreet's father could not control his anger on seeing Harjinder inside his daughter's room and fired at both of them. On hearing the gunshots, Harjinder's brother, who was waiting outside, came to intervene. He also sustained bullet injury in the thigh and is admitted in a hospital,” he added.
Singh said it could be a case of honour killing but it was too early to confirm as investigations were still going on.
Meanwhile, the police are raiding various places to nab the accused as he fled from the village after the crime.
The two bodies have been sent for post-mortem examinations in a civil hospital here.