In a case of attempted honour killing, a man shot at his niece who was riding on a motorcycle with her lover near Hindon Air Force station here Tuesday, police said. Jyoti, a 23-year-old government school teacher in Delhi, was travelling on a motorcycle with her lover Deepak from the national capital to Dadri. As they reached near the Hindon Air Force station, the girl's uncle Pramod Sharma came on a motorcycle, dragged a pistol from his pocket, fired a shot at his niece and fled from the spot. The bullet hit the girl on her right shoulder. Deepak rushed her to a local hospital where her condition was stated to be critical due to blood loss, the attending doctor said. Deepak lodged a complaint with the police in which he said that he was going to Dadri along with Jyoti as they were asked to reach their native place to sort out the dispute. 'He was in love with Jyoti for the last four years. Their conservative family members were creating problems for them and her uncle attempted to kill her,' Superintendent of Police City A.K. Vijaita said. 'We have registered a case against Sharma and are trying to arrest him. He is absconding. A team has been dispatched to nab him,' he added. (IANS)
It is easy to build a nation it is far more difficult to shape a society and this is what Im doing