JAIPUR: In a suspected case of honour killing,' a 30-year-old man was stabbed to death at Jobnaer in Jaipur district on Saturday morning. The victim, Rameshwar Chaudhary, had married a girl, Prema, of a different caste at Arya Samaj in June. The couple belongs to a village in Nagaur and has been living at Jobnaer in hiding over the past couple of months. The father and two brothers of the girl have been arrested by the police for the murder.
According to the police, the boy belongs to Jat community while the girl is from Balai caste. Rameshwar used to work as a teacher in a private school and his wife too was associated with teaching activities. "On Saturday morning, Prema's father Kaisarmal and her brothers Lala Ram and Narendra reached their house and assaulted Rameshwar with knives after a heated discussion," said SHO Jobner police station, Rajkumar Sharma.
Rameshwar sustained severe wounds on throat and died on the spot. All the three accused were arrested by the police and the weapons used in crime have been seized. The girl, Prema, has given statement to the police against her father and brothers. "The girl is around 20-years-old and has accused her relatives for the crime," said the SHO.