Sketch: Shadan khan Indian-Japanese joint venture, Furukawa Electric (MFE), that supplies harnesses for the Maruti Suzuki’s Alto car, has opened a factory inside Delhi’s Tihar Jail. The project, is part of MFE's corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme on-job training, and it will provide inmates employable skills at the time of their release. wait, don't hope for good its a typical business this project was started after workers movements against Maruti Suzuki and other companies in the Manesar area of NCT of Delhi. project is going to ensure no unions, no factory inspectors, no strikes, electricity at cost, and commercial space at Rs 10 per sq ft. no cost for security and other systems because Prison authorities are responsible for the discipline, meals and accommodation of its worker inmates. The companies get a captive, uninterrupted labour supply. Prison wages are much lower than wages paid outside, and once trained, a worker can't leave and jo...
It is easy to build a nation it is far more difficult to shape a society and this is what Im doing